🔣Liquidity Farms
Add Liquidity
After adding liquidity (refer to Add Liquidity), you have obtained LP tokens of that liquidity pair. You will be able to stake your LP token in the farms to earn high APY %.
Go to "Farms" page as below

2. If you have added WROSE-USDT LP as per instruction (refer to Add Liquidity), press "Approve" button within WROSE-USDT box and confirm the transaction.
3. After transaction is approved, press "Stake LP" to open staking window.

4. Input the amount of LP you want to stake using the slider or manual input. Please use slider and % if your amount is very small. Click "Stake" to stake LP into the farm. Wait until transaction is confirmed and you are done!
Unstake and harvest
To unstake LP, click "Unstake" button and choose how much LP you want to remove.
To Harvest rewards click "Harvest". Please note, after Harvesting, you must wait 30 days before your harvested RHUB can be withdrawn.

If you want to withdraw rewards earlier, there is a 50% penalty. To see your pending harvested rewards, click "Withdraw", where you will be presented with the listo of harvested RHUB and the date you can withdraw without penalty. Alternatively, you can click "Unlock All" to withdraw early with 50% penalty.

Last updated